Alphabet Science 3-pack Bodysuit Set

Product copy written for website and print catalog prior to GameStop’s purchase of the brand

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A baby is a complex science experiment, from the colorful substances it produces to the other-worldly sounds it emits. Swaddled in these three adorably brilliant creepers, your favorite future scientist will have a leg up on the competition. 

The Alphabet Science 3-pack Bodysuit Set includes:

  • A is for Atom Bodysuit – White bodysuit with red piping features the words “A is for Atom” and the Rutherford-Bohr model of an atom
  • B is for Beaker Bodysuit – White bodysuit with light blue piping features the words “B is for Beaker” and a beaker containing blue liquid
  • C is for Chromosome Bodysuit – White bodysuit with yellow piping features the words “C is for Chromosome” and a metaphase chromosome

The bodysuits are tagless and made from preshrunk, 100% organic cotton with eco-friendly organic dyes to protect little ones. The suits have lap shoulders and 3-snap bottoms for rapid access. 

Baby Clothes

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